Books about Fishing

For the keen fisher folk and the fishing industry - Hundreds of Fishing Books! Catch a fish today! Tight lines!
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Fishing Books
Fishing Books

Fishing Books

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Bell, H. (1920). Fly-Fishing for Chub & Dace. London; J. & H. Bell: Nottinham, Simpkin, Marshall & Co.

Bell, J., B. O'Riordan, et al. (1996). Fisherfolk safeguarding aquatic diversity through their fishing techniques. Rugby, Intermediate Technology Development Group.

Bellamy, D. (1984). Fish and fishing. Horsham, I-Spy.

Belly, F., A. T. d. Gamond, et al. (1750). A Map of the South Part of Nova Scotia and its fishing banks, engraved by T. Jefferys, Geographer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. (A Plan of Halifax, survey'd by M. Harris. A View of Halifax. Drawn from ye Topmasthead.) Scale of miles, 2[= 55 mm]. [London], T. Jefferys.

Bene, C., A. Tewfik, et al. (2000). Analysis of fishing effort allocation and fishermen behaviour through a system approach, University of Portsmouth, Centre for the Economics and Management of Aquatic Resources.

Béné, C., C. Tewfik, et al. (2000). Analysis of fishing effort allocation and fishermen behaviour through a system approach. Portsmouth, Centre for the Economics and Management of Aquatic Resources, University of Portsmouth.

Benn, T. (1985). The (almost) compleat angler, or proof that there is more to fishing than just catching fish. London, Gollancz.

Bentley, H. T. B. (1963). Loch fishing for trout: an introduction. Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd.

Ben-Tuvia, A., W. Dickson, et al. (1968). Proceedings of the Conference on Fish Behaviour in Relation to Fishing Techniques and Tactics: Bergen, Norway, 19-27 October, 1967.

Ben-Tuvia, A., W. Dickson, et al. (1969). Proceedings of the Conference on Fish Behaviour in Relation to Fishing Techniques and Tactics, Bergen, Norway, 19-27 October 1967. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Ben-Yami, M. (1975). Russian-English glossary of fishing and related marine terms. Jerusalem; Springfield, Va, Israel Program for Scientific Translations: available from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service.

Ben-Yami, M. (1976). Fishing with light. Farnham, Fishing News [for] the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Ben-Yami, M. (1980). Tuna fishing with pole and line. Farnham, Published by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations by Fishing News Books.

Bergin, A. and M. G. Haward (1996). Japan's tuna fishing industry: a setting sun or new dawn?. Commack, N.Y., Nova Science Publishers.

Bergman Joel, S. (1985). Fishing for barracuda: pragmatics of brief systemic therapy. New York, Norton.

Bergman, J. S. (1985). Fishing for Barracuda: pragmatics of brief systemic therapy. New York; London, Norton.

Bergman, R. (1933). Just Fishing. Illustrated. by Fred Everett, etc. (Second printing.) [With plates.]. London; printed in U.S.A., Hutchinson & Co.

Bergman, R. (1933). Just fishing. London, Hutchinson.

Berlin Sven, P. (1964). Jonah's Dream. A meditation on fishing. With 52 drawings by the author. London, Phoenix House.

Berlin, S. (1964). Jonah's dream: a meditation on fishing, Phoenix House.

Bermuda Islands. Commission of Inquiry to Examine and Make Recommendations for the Future of the Fishing Industry and for the Future Protection of the Marine Environment in, B. (1991). Report of the Commission of Inquiry to Examine and Make Recommendations for the Future of the Fishing Industry and for the Future Protection of the Marine Environment in Bermuda. Hamilton, Bermuda, The Commission.

Bermuda. Commission of, I. (1991). Response of the Government of Bermuda to the Report of the Commission of Inquiry to examine and make recommendations for the future of the fishing industry and for the future protection of the marine environment in Bermuda. [Bermuda, the Commission.

Berners, J. and B. Rogers (1827). The treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle. London, Printed with the types of John Baskerville for William Pickering.

Berners, J., R. Toy, et al. (1550). The booke of hauking huntyng and fysshyng: with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. Imprynted at London in Paules churche yerde, by Robert Toye.

Berners, J., W. d. Worde, et al. (1880). A treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle: being a facsimile reproduction of the first book on the subject of fishing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde, at Westminster in 1496. London, Elliot Stock.

Bernes, J. D., W. Van Wyck, et al. (1933). A Treatise on Fishing with a Hook attributed to Dame Juliana Berners. Rendered into modern English by William Van Wyck. New York, Van Rees Press.

Best practices in microfinance programmes for women in coastal fishing communities in, I. (2003). Report of the national workshop on best practices in microfinance programmes for women in coastal fishing communities in India.

Best, E. (1929). Fishing methods and devices of the Maori. Wellington, N.Z., Dominion Museum.

Best, E. and M. New Zealand. Dominion (1929). Fishing methods and devices of the Maori, Wellington.

Bethune George, W. and I. Walton (1891). The Complete Angler. by Izaak Walton, and Instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clearstream, by Charles Cotton. With. notes. a bibliographical note on fishing. and a notice of Cotton and his writings, by. G. W. Bethune. To which is added an appendix, including illustrative ballads, etc. London, Ward, Lock & Co.

Bettell, C. (2001). The art of lure fishing. Ramsbury, Marlborough, Crowood Press.

Beverly, S., L. B. Chapman, et al. (1996). Capture section report of tuna longline fishing assistance to the National Fisheries Corporation (Pohnpei Division) Federated States of Micronesia, 27 March-19 June 1996. Noumea, New Caledonia, South Pacific Commission, Coastal Fisheries Programme.

Beverly, S., L. B. Chapman, et al. (1997). Capture section report of technical assistance to the New Caledonian Tuna Longline Fishing Company, Navimon, 19 August-23 December 1996. Noumea, New Caledonia, South Pacific Commission, Coastal Fisheries Programme.

Beverly, S., L. B. Chapman, et al. (1998). Capture section report of technical assistance to the Rarotangan-based tuna longline fleet, and demonstration of mid-water fishing techniques to artisanal fishermen in Rarotonga and Aitutaki, Cook Islands, 26 January - 3 May 1997. Noumea, New Caledonia, Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

Beverly, S., L. Chapman, et al. (2003). Horizontal longline fishing methods and techniques: a manual for fishermen. Noumea, New Caledonia, Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

Beverton Raymond John, H. and J. Holt Sidney (1956). The Theory of Fishing.

Bewick, B. (1989). The funny side of salmon fishing: the book of fishing sense & nonsense. Berwick upon Tweed, Bridge Studios.

Bewick, T. (1975). Fishing scenes. London (16 Groveway, SW9 0AR), Merrion Press.

Bianchi Raoul, V. (1999). A critical ethnography of tourism entrepreneurship and social change in a fishing community in Gran Canaria, University of North London.

Bickerdyke, J. (1895). Sea Fishing. With contributions on 'Antipodean and Foreign Fish' by W. Senior, 'Tarpon' by A. C. Harmsworth, 'Whaling' by Sir H. W. Gore-Booth, Bart., etc. L.P. London, Longmans & Co.

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Last Modified: 10 October 2005