Books about Fishing

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Fishing Books
Fishing Books

Fishing Books

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Bavaria (1969). Jagd- und Fischereirecht in Bayern. Textausgabe mit Verweisungen und Sachverzeichnis. 2., völlig neubearbeitete Auflage. Munchen, C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Baverstock Leslie, B. (1961). The Wye, etc. [With illustrations, including a portrait.]. [Peterborough], Angling Times.

Baverstock, L. (1961). River fly fishing, Jenkins.

Bayliff William, H. (1981). Exploratory fishing for Tunas and Tuna tagging in the Marquesas, Tuamotu, Society, Pitcairn, and Gambier Islands. La Jolla, California, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.

Bayliff, W. H. and G. A. Hunt (1981). Exploratory fishing for tunas and tuna tagging in the Marquesas, Tuamotu, Society, Pitcairn and Gambier Islands. La Jolla (Calif.), Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.

Bazley James Henry, R. (1919). Fishing Stunts. [With a portrait.]. Leeds, Goodall & Suddick.

Bazley James Henry, R. (1932). The Art of Coarse Fishing. A practical treatise on the sport and choice of tackle and water, etc. [With plates.]. London, H. F. & G. Witherby.

Bazley James Henry, R. (1933). Fun with the Fishing Rod. Idle, Watmoughs.

Bazley James Henry, R. and L. Weatherall Norman (1942). Coarse fishing: a practical treatise on the sport and choice of tackle and water. [S.l.], Witherby.

Bazley James Henry, R. and L. Weatherall Norman (1948). [The Art of Coarse Fishing.] Coarse Fishing. A practical treatise on the sport and choice of tackle and water. Revised by Norman L. Weatherall. London, H. F. & G. Witherby.

Bazley James Henry, R. and L. Weatherall Norman (1954). Coarse Fishing. Revised by Norman L. Weatherall, etc. (Second revise edition.). London, H. F. & G. Witherby.

Bazley, J. H. R. (1932). The art of coarse fishing: a practical treatise on the sport and choice of tackle and water. London, H. F. & G. Witherby.

Bazley, J. H. R. (1954). Coarse fishing: a practical treatise on the sport and choice of tackle and water, Witherby.

Beak, T. W. (1955). Salmon and trout fishing law of Scotland, Gloster Publications.

Beamish, D. W. (1953). Trout and other fishing in New Zealand. London, Allen & Unwin.

Beard, H. and R. McKie (1985). Fishing: an angler's dictionary. London, Methuen.

Beatty, G. (1730). A scheme humbly offer'd to the consideration of Parliament, in order to rectify the many abuses committed in the fishing-trade of North-Britain, [Edinburgh.

Beaumont, W. R. C. and A. Environment (2002). Guidelines for electric fishing best practice. [Bristol], Environment Agency.

Beck Stuart, E. (1953). How to draw fishing craft, Studio Publications.

Beck, S. E. (1953). How to draw fishing craft. London; New York, Studio Publications.

Becker, A. C. (1970). Gulf Coast fishing. Cranbury; London, Barnes: Thomas Yoseloff Ltd.

Becker, A. C. (1970). Lure fishing. South Brunswick, A. S. Barnes.

Becker, A. C. (1971). Big red/channel bass fishing. South Brunswick, A. S. Barnes.

Becker, A. C. (1977). The complete book of fishing. New York; London, Barnes: Yoseloff.

Becker, R. (1931). Memo-Go Fishing, etc. [With plates, including portraits.]. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co.

Beckley Emma, M. and A. Hawaii Department of Foreign (1883). Hawaiian fisheries and methods of fishing: with an account of the fishing implements used by the natives of the Hawaiian Islands. [Honolulu], Published by order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Beddington, J. R. and R. B. Rettig (1983). Approaches to the regulation of fishing effort. Rome, FAO, 1983.

Beer, J. (2002). Gone fishing: adventures in pursuit of wild trout. London, Aurum.

Beer, T. (1975). Devon's fishing. Revised ed. St. Ives, Cornwall, James Pike.

Beever, C., K. Ruud, et al. (1960). Financial assistance schemes for the acquisition or improvement of fishing craft, Rome.

Beever, C., K. Ruud, et al. (1960). Financial Assistance Schemes for the Acquisition or Improvement of Fishing Craft, Rome.

Beever, J. (1893). Practical fly fishing founded on nature. [S.l.], Methuen.

Begg Robert, B. and A. Lochleven (1874). The Lochleven Angler. By an Ex-President of the Kinross-shire Fishing-Club [i.e. Robert Burns Begg]. [With a map.]. Kinross, George Barnet.

Beginner (1948). The Beginner's Guide to Match Fishing. Illustrated. By "Cheshire Roamer.". Idle & London, Watmoughs.

Beginning, England, et al. (1770). The begining [sic], progress, and conclusion of the late war [between Great Britain, France and Spain], with other interesting matters considered; and a map of the lands, gulphs, seas, and fishing-banks, comprising the cod fishery in America annexed, etc. London, J. Almon.

Bekker-Nielsen, T. (2004). Ancient fishing and fish processing in the Black Sea region. Aarhus; Oxford, Aarhus University Press: Lavis Marketing.

Belaúnde Guinassi, C. and Peru (1963). La Legislación pesquera en el Perú. [Compiled, and with an introduction, by César Belaúnde Guinassi.], Lima.

Bell Arthur, F. (1930). Fresh-water Fishing for the Beginner, etc, London & New York.

Bell Frederick, H. (1956). The Incidental capture of halibut by various types of fishing gear, Seattle.

Bell, C. (1996). Fishing. London, CollinsChildren's.

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Last Modified: 10 October 2005